The below list is not meant to be exhaustive, and is merely a suggestion to be as radically self reliant as possible! Remember, there is no potable water, no electricity, and no vendors at the burn. You must bring what you need! Be thoughtful, and add or edit this list with your own personal needs. See also: the Survival Guide.

For Eats

Hot drink mug
Water (2 gallons, unless you plan to drink more)
Other drinks (tea, Gatorade, sodas)
Granola/protein bars
Caffeine if you need it (tea, coffee, Monster)
Trail mix (a good anytime portable snack)
Any other snacks (we recommend bringing extra food, many people find themselves eating more than usual at a burn, and if you don't eat it all you can take it home)


Fitted sheet
Flat sheet
Blankets (it gets cold)
Sleeping bag
Ear plugs (even if you don't think you need them, you do)


if you have not arranged meals with your camp, you will need to bring all your meals too*
   camp stove
   cooking pots and pans
   pot holder
   cleaning supplies- plastic sink, water, sponge, paper towels, soap

Food suggestions
breakfast- eggs and bacon (if you want to cook), poptarts, cereal bars, etc (if you don’t cook)
lunch- sandwiches, burritos, things that are easy to pack and carry 
dinner- boil in bag meals, freeze dried/ vacuum packed meals, pre-cooked meals that are easy to heat up, MREs are NOT recommended (if you don’t know why, ask)

Throw blankets
Camp chair
Hat (for keeping the sun off you)
Costume clothes and accessories
Hand sanitizer
Super glue
Hair brush
Rain boots
Jacket/ hoodie
Warm coat
Condoms (if you think you need them)
Tampons/pads (bring ziplock baggies to take these items with you after use, they DO NOT go in the porto potties!! I know, ew, but seriously, deal with it)

For Daily Survival

Comfy Clothes
   Comfy shoes
   Extra socks
   Bug spray
   Small day pack or backpack
   Refillable drink bottle
   Any medications you need
   Bath stuff
   Head lamp
   Toilet paper
   Baby wipes
   Hand fan


Duct tape
First aid
Work gloves
Multi tool
Sewing kit
Bug bite ointment
Items to gift (if you feel like participating in this manner)
Alcohol (to drink!)

What not to bring

There are a few things not allowed at our events, due to either law or the safety of our Participants.

Firearms​: This includes BB guns, airsoft guns, and paintball guns. Water guns and NERF launchers are ok if you make sure the darts don’t become MOOP.

Wish Lanterns / Sky Lanterns​: We recognize that they’re super pretty and that many people use them as part of personal rituals. But they’re also uncontrolled flying fireballs in the air and will cause fires and/or leave a mess. Fun fact! Sky lanterns are illegal to use in Georgia.

Pets​: No pets are allowed at the event; Service Animals are not pets. For Service Animal policy, please refer to the Service Animal page.

Fireworks​: No fireworks are permitted even though they are legal in the state of Georgia. There are many hundreds or thousands of people on a not terribly big piece of land, which makes this a safety hazard. Yes, we occasionally burn the effigy and other things in some years, but that is done according to a detailed safety plan. Yes, you’ll see some epic flame effects and art, but each and every one is inspected for safety by the Fire Safety Team. If you bring fireworks, you’re going to be asked to turn them in or leave. Don’t ruin your event trying it.

Lasers​: Do not shine your laser anywhere near the ground or you could seriously injure someone. Better yet, leave it at home and enjoy the stars.

Drones: Photography drones are an amazing way to capture the spectacle of the burn from a unique vantage point. However, drones can be dangerous if you’re not experienced with them, and there are privacy issues with flying cameras. Depending on conditions and technical specifications, a moderate quality drone camera may be able to capture a recognizable face at a distance of 75-100 feet. ​You must get consent from anyone you photograph or record with a drone.